Citroen 6490FS 2 button Canbus flip remote C3 Picasso, C4 Picasso, DS3 09-15

CTN-NWKS97 - In Stock
OEM. Philips Crypto PH/CR2 46 (with VA2 blade). NWKS97

Citroen 649086 2 button Canbus flip remote C2, C3 Picasso 05-09

CTN-NWKS115 - In Stock
OEM. Philips Crypto PH/CR2 46 DELPHI (with VA2 blade). NWKS115

Citroen 649084 2 button flip remote C4 Picasso 04-10

CTN-NWKS116 - In Stock
OEM. Philips Crypto PH/CR2 46 (with HU83 blade). AKK245/NWKS116

Citroen 6490A2 3 button Canbus flip remote C4 Picasso, C5 07-12

CTN-NWKS117 - In Stock
OEM No Logo. Citroen. Philips Crypto PH/CR2 46 (with HU83 blade). NWKS59/NWKS117

Citroen 6490QW 3 button flip remote C4 Picasso 07-13

CTN-NWKS118 - In Stock
OEM. Philips Crypto PH/CR2 46 (with HU83 blade). NWKS118 - Alt for NWKS117

Citroen 6490E0 3 button Canbus flip remote Berlingo 09-14 CAN BE USED FOR PUG-NWKS130

CTN-NWKS120 - In Stock
OEM. Philips Crypto PH/CR2 46 (with VA2 blade). NWKS120/AKK320

USE NWKS97 Citroen 6490C8 2 button Canbus flip remote Berlingo 09-15

CTN-NWKS121 - Out of Stock
OEM. Philips Crypto PH/CR2 46 (with VA2 blade). NWKS121

DISCONTINUED BY Citroen - 649099 3 button flip remote C5 01-04

CTN-NWKS124 - Out of Stock
OEM. Philips Crypto PH/CR2 46 (with SX9 blade). NWKS124

Citroen 6490KF 3 button Canbus flip remote C4 Picasso, DS4 10-16

CTN-NWKS125 - In Stock
OEM. Philips Crypto PH/CR2 46 (Use MCM294 blade - Not supplied). NWKS125

Citroen 6490AC 3 button Canbus flip remote Dispatch III 09-15

CTN-NWKS127 - In Stock
OEM. Philips Crypto PH/CR2 46 (with HU83 blade). NWKS127