Jma TP00SIX-3.P3 (SX9T) case only

JMA-TP00SIX3.P3 - In Stock

Empty transponder case only (no chip). Used on Citroen/Peugeot. TP00SIX3P3

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Jma empty pod (case only)

Suitable for glass & carbon chips

Berlingo 1998-2002
C5 2001-2008
Dispatch 1997-2006
Evasion 1997-2002
Jumper 2001-2005
Jumpy 1995-2006
Picasso 2000-2008
Relay 2002-2005
Saxo 1995-2003
Synergie 1995-2002
Xantia 1998-2001
XM 1994-1998
Xsara 1997-2007
Picasso 1999-2009
Scudo 1996-2006
Ulysse 1996-2002

Z2000 1998-2002

806 1998-2002
Boxer 2002-2006
Expert 1997-2006
Partner 1998-2001
Ranch 1998-2001

Code Series:
. . . . . . . 0111111-6288888
. . . . . . . H 0111111-6288888
63/99 . . . . . 12468
63/99 . . . . . H12468

Cross Ref:
Silca SX9TE
Jma TP00SIX3.P3
Keyline CN22TK