DISCONTINUED 1 Year Subscription - WH Instacode Software Code Package

CIT-KCS005H - Discontinued

WH code programme, Key cutting codes, cross reference.

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1 years subscription to Instacode.

A cheap introduction to all the benefits of the Instacode code programme. Includes all the applications of the code programme AND the car opening and transponder module.

Software features:-
A good code program is a must for any professional locksmith, and InstaCode is a high quality easy to use program. If you are still using code books or an outdated code package, why not move up to the most comprehensive and easy to use code program available. A new graphical layout displaying space and depth information, flat widths, card number and other valuable key cutting information. Identify and key number now without knowing the manufactures name. We have added 100's more code series, new car opening instructions, more makes and models of vehicles, new transponder key information and programming techniques (optional extra), the full ASP catalogue, with most models featuring colour pictures of the ASP locks and service components. InstaCode has been redesigned to make it even easier to use, with the entire user interface being revamped and simplified. and with InstaCode 2005's additional code series the total is now over 6000 indirect code series, making a total of over 2 billion direct and indirect codes! Lastly, InstaCode also features an interactive web update feature, which periodically checks this website for updates, ensuring you always have access to the very latest version and newest code series available for the forthcoming year. Check out some of the new features below: InstaCode 2008, the latest release of InstaCode, includes over 6000 code series, and has a vastly increased database of key blank cross-references. The program has also been improved to provide better performance, reducing search times. Other new and improved features... Increase to key blank cross-references, to now include 32 different manufacturers key blank numbers, with over 70,000 references Ability to search by card number (InstaCard, Silca or HPC, DSD) Printouts of whole code series (for use in you van). Ability to search for bittings across a range of code series. Pictures of key blanks and key blank profiles. Car opening instructions for popular models Complete ASP catalogue online, cross references against make and model, with most models featuring colour pictures of the ASP locks and service components. Transponder key information and programming techniques (optional extra) Client key code storage & retrievals. Ability to download to... Silca's Unocode Version I, II, 299 and 399's Silca's QuattroCode and Triax Ilco UltraCode ITL 9000 and 950 HPC's Codemax Ilco Orion ECM 200 Key cutting information for... Framon Curtis A1 Ilco Universal II HPC Blitz (1200cm) Improved quality & accuracy on code card printouts HPC 1200 Punch The program has been improved so much, we are more confident than ever that you will find this to be "The World's BEST Code program", and that the program is without compromise in terms of quality, ease of use, speed and quantity of information contained within. Have a look at TakeAPeek to see what InstaCode 2011 has to offer! And also COMPARE to see the added features/tools against other code programs.