Jma FED3 (FH23R) Federal cylinder key

JMA-FED3 - In Stock
To suit Federal Locks. FED3

JMA RU-3D Assa/Ruko cylinder key (RU28)

JMA-RU3D - On Order
To suit Assa & Ruko 5 pin locks.

JMA RU-5D Assa/Ruko cylinder key (RU14)

JMA-RU5D - In Stock
To suit Assa & Ruko 5 pin locks

JMA RU-7D Assa/Ruko cylinder key

JMA-RU7D - In Stock
To suit Assa & Ruko locks.

JMA RU-9D Assa/Ruko cylinder key (RU16)

JMA-RU9D - In Stock
To suit Assa & Ruko locks.

JMA RU-GL7 Assa/Ruko cylinder key (RU10R)

JMA-RUGL7 - In Stock
To suit Assa & Ruko 7 pin GL series locks.

Jma U2I Universal cylinder key (UL061)

JMA-U2I - In Stock
To suit Universal locks. U2I

Jma UN-10D Union cylinder key (UNI60R Long 5 pin)

JMA-UN10D - In Stock
To suit Union locks. UN-10D

Jma SQ-5D ATL4/5 Squire cylinder key (SQ4R)

JMA-SQ5D - In Stock
To suit Squire locks. SQ5D (ref All Terrain padlocks)

Jma WIN-21 Winkhaus 6 pin cylinder key

JMA-WIN21 - In Stock
To suit Winkhaus locks. 6 pin version of WHS1/WHS2 (TO124RX) WIN21